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Hi, I'm the guy who had trouble trying to unlock a samsung j327T. It turns out that the customer took the phone after the process, anyway I uploaded the logs because after the owner of the phone took it, I realized that I had used up the credits. Locate the owner of the phone to upload the photo you ask me I think is a practically impossible task, anyway I think that you have a way to corroborate if what I say is true, I sent him in detail the necessary data, the account, the SN of my Z3X, including a screenshot of the credit history. What else can be done because honestly these things should not happen and less with a tool that is not in the development phase and that supposedly so far is the most complete tool for Samsung mobiles. Sincerely, Adrián.
related to an answer for: J327T UNLOCK 15 CREDITS WASTED
in Samsung Tool by (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
We returned 10 credtis. Lefted one attempt, for last refund we need photo of phone\s lock.
by (199k points)