0 votes
user: zsc_qcnwdpSK  

card serial number: FDFD837B
in Samsung Tool by (200 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hello. This card never used with ANY account before. Where you get this account?
by (203k points)
I acquired the account new because it did not let me perform certain processes, the z3x was updated and it already told me that the account or password was incorrect

Ícono de validado por la comunidad

When you ordered this account and where? Provide password in private messages please.
Got them. Can you provide invoice of ordering this account? Or screenshot from server where you got it?

P.S. You sure you using latest version of samsung tool software and entering login/password without mistakes?
Yes, completely sure that you are entering the correct data and the latest software version, v 43.13, I acquired it only for certain procedures that asked for a username and password so it would not consume the credits.
Can you provide invoice (receipt) of ordering this account? OR screenshot from server where you got it?
I sent him to the private, thank you
Just send new password in pm, check now.
resolved, thank you very much