0 votes

hola buenos días, adjunto logs y foto de un celular j337t al que se le hizo dos intentos de desbloqueo, y descontó 10 creditos




Operation: Unlock TMB via Server Upload Nov 2020
Selected model: SM-J337T
Software version: 43.18

Checking Login and Password... OK
Balance: 20 crd.
You have 20 credit(s) left. This operation takes 5 credits. Continue? Yes
Waiting ADB device... OK
Reading phone info...
Model: SM-J337T
Android version: 8.0.0
PDA version: J337TUVS9ATH1
CSC version: J337TTMB9ATH1
Phone version: J337TUVS9ATH1
Product code: SM-J337TZDATMB
CSC country code: USA
CSC sales code: TMB
Carrier ID: TMB
Phone SN: RF8M43K4AHV
IMEI: 352149102249009
HW version: REV0.7
RF cal date: 20190426
Chip name: EXYNOS7570
Modem board: SHANNON305
Security patch: 2020-08-01
Boot Warranty bit: 0
Rebooting phone... OK
Waiting ADB device... OK
Waiting for device to become ready... OK
Reading IMEI... OK
Initialization zTool... OK
Running zTool, please wait... OK
Reading data from phone... OK
Searching Ramdump interface... COM46 detected
Rebooting phone... OK
Waiting ADB device... OK
Waiting for device to become ready... OK
Reading ramdump data from phone... OK
Searching server... OK
Waiting for server answer... error (1)
Server error: Could not process security data, please try again

Operation: Unlock TMB via Server Upload Nov 2020
Selected model: SM-J337T
Software version: 43.18

Checking Login and Password... OK
Balance: 20 crd.
You have 20 credit(s) left. This operation takes 5 credits. Continue? Yes
Waiting ADB device... OK
Reading phone info...
Model: SM-J337T
Android version: 8.0.0
PDA version: J337TUVS9ATH1
CSC version: J337TTMB9ATH1
Phone version: J337TUVS9ATH1
Product code: SM-J337TZDATMB
CSC country code: USA
CSC sales code: TMB
Carrier ID: TMB
Phone SN: RF8M43K4AHV
IMEI: 352149102249009
HW version: REV0.7
RF cal date: 20190426
Chip name: EXYNOS7570
Modem board: SHANNON305
Security patch: 2020-08-01
Boot Warranty bit: 0
Waiting for device to become ready... OK
Reading IMEI... OK
Initialization zTool... OK
Running zTool, please wait... OK
Reading data from phone... OK
Searching Ramdump interface... COM46 detected
Rebooting phone... OK
Waiting ADB device... OK
Waiting for device to become ready... OK
Reading ramdump data from phone... OK
Searching server... OK
Waiting for server answer... OK
Waiting ADB device... OK
Waiting for device to become ready... OK
Initialization zTool... OK
Running zTool, please wait... OK
Reading data from phone... error (4.12.0)
Retry 1...
Initialization zTool... OK
Running zTool, please wait... OK
Reading data from phone... error (4.12.0)
Retry 2...
Initialization zTool... OK
Running zTool, please wait... OK
Reading data from phone... error (4.12.0)
Retry 3...
Initialization zTool... OK
Running zTool, please wait... OK
Reading data from phone... error (4.12.0)
Retry 4...
Initialization zTool... OK
Running zTool, please wait... OK
Reading data from phone... error (4.12.0)
Retry 5...
Initialization zTool... OK
Running zTool, please wait... OK
Reading data from phone... error (4.12.0)
Retry 6...
Initialization zTool... OK
Running zTool, please wait... OK
Reading data from phone... error (4.12.0)
Retry 7...
Initialization zTool... OK
Running zTool, please wait... OK
Reading data from phone... error (4.12.0)
Retry 8...
Initialization zTool... OK
Running zTool, please wait... OK
Reading data from phone... error (4.12.0)
Retry 9...
Initialization zTool... OK
Running zTool, please wait... OK
Reading data from phone... error (4.12.0)
Retry 10...
Initialization zTool... OK
Running zTool, please wait... OK
Reading data from phone... error (4.12.0)

Operation: Flash
Selected model: SM-J337T
Software version: 43.18

Searching phone and switching to flash mode... OK

Operation: Flash
Selected model: SM-J337T
Software version: 43.18

File analysis... OK
Total file size: 0xE48058AE (3656 Mb)
Searching USB Flash interface... COM46 detected
Setup connection... OK
Set PIT file... OK
Reading PIT from phone... OK
Sending sboot.bin.lz4... OK
Sending param.bin.lz4... OK
Sending cm.bin.lz4... OK
Sending boot.img.lz4... OK
Sending recovery.img.lz4... OK
Sending system.img.lz4... OK
Sending vendor.img.lz4... OK
Sending userdata.img.lz4... OK
Sending modem.bin.lz4... OK
Sending cache.img.lz4... OK
Sending odm.img.lz4... OK
Sending omr.img.lz4... OK
Flashing done (time - 00:02:29)

Operation: Unlock TMB via Server Upload Nov 2020
Selected model: SM-J337T
Software version: 43.18

Operation: Unlock TMB via Server Upload Nov 2020
Selected model: SM-J337T
Software version: 43.18

Checking Login and Password... OK
Balance: 15 crd.
You have 15 credit(s) left. This operation takes 5 credits. Continue? Yes
Waiting ADB device... OK
Reading phone info...
Model: SM-J337T
Android version: 8.0.0
PDA version: J337TUVS9ATH1
CSC version: J337TTMB9ATH1
Phone version: J337TUVS9ATH1
Product code: SM-J337TZDATMB
CSC country code: USA
CSC sales code: TMB
Carrier ID: TMB
Phone SN: RF8M43K4AHV
IMEI: 352149102249009
HW version: REV0.7
RF cal date: 20190426
Chip name: EXYNOS7570
Modem board: SHANNON305
Security patch: 2020-08-01
Boot Warranty bit: 0
Rebooting phone... OK
Waiting ADB device... OK
Waiting for device to become ready... OK
Reading IMEI... OK
Initialization zTool... OK
Running zTool, please wait... OK
Reading data from phone... OK
Searching Ramdump interface... COM46 detected
Rebooting phone... OK
Waiting ADB device... OK
Waiting for device to become ready... OK
Reading ramdump data from phone... OK
Searching server... OK
Waiting for server answer... OK
Waiting ADB device... OK
Waiting for device to become ready... OK
Initialization zTool... OK
Running zTool, please wait... OK
Reading data from phone... error (4.12.0)
Retry 1...
Initialization zTool... error (0.20)
Operation aborted
in Samsung Tool by (180 points)
edited by

1 Answer

0 votes
Hello. Reset your phone and repeat operation once again.
by (207k points)
ya esa operación se le realizó de instalar el teléfono

aca le dejo los log de las acciones de desbloque y la de reinstalación del celular

Operation: Unlock TMB via Server Upload Nov 2020
 Selected model: SM-J337T
 Software version: 43.18
 Checking Login and Password... OK
 Balance: 20 crd.
 You have 20 credit(s) left. This operation takes 5 credits. Continue?  Yes
 Waiting ADB device... OK
 Reading phone info...
 Model: SM-J337T
 Android version: 8.0.0
 PDA version: J337TUVS9ATH1
 CSC version: J337TTMB9ATH1
 Phone version: J337TUVS9ATH1
 Product code: SM-J337TZDATMB
 CSC country code: USA
 CSC sales code: TMB
 Carrier ID: TMB
 Phone SN: RF8M43K4AHV
 IMEI: 352149102249009
 HW version: REV0.7
 RF cal date: 20190426
 Chip name: EXYNOS7570
 Modem board: SHANNON305
 Security patch: 2020-08-01
 Boot Warranty bit: 0
 Waiting for device to become ready... OK
 Reading IMEI... OK
 Initialization zTool... OK
 Running zTool, please wait... OK
 Reading data from phone... OK
 Searching Ramdump interface... COM46 detected
 Rebooting phone... OK
 Waiting ADB device... OK
 Waiting for device to become ready... OK
 Reading ramdump data from phone... OK
 Searching server... OK
 Waiting for server answer... OK
 Waiting ADB device... OK
 Waiting for device to become ready... OK
 Initialization zTool... OK
 Running zTool, please wait... OK
 Reading data from phone... error (4.12.0)
 Retry 1...
 Initialization zTool... OK
 Running zTool, please wait... OK
 Reading data from phone... error (4.12.0)
 Retry 2...
 Initialization zTool... OK
 Running zTool, please wait... OK
 Reading data from phone... error (4.12.0)
 Retry 3...
 Initialization zTool... OK
 Running zTool, please wait... OK
 Reading data from phone... error (4.12.0)
 Retry 4...
 Initialization zTool... OK
 Running zTool, please wait... OK
 Reading data from phone... error (4.12.0)
 Retry 5...
 Initialization zTool... OK
 Running zTool, please wait... OK
 Reading data from phone... error (4.12.0)
 Retry 6...
 Initialization zTool... OK
 Running zTool, please wait... OK
 Reading data from phone... error (4.12.0)
 Retry 7...
 Initialization zTool... OK
 Running zTool, please wait... OK
 Reading data from phone... error (4.12.0)
 Retry 8...
 Initialization zTool... OK
 Running zTool, please wait... OK
 Reading data from phone... error (4.12.0)
 Retry 9...
 Initialization zTool... OK
 Running zTool, please wait... OK
 Reading data from phone... error (4.12.0)
 Retry 10...
 Initialization zTool... OK
 Running zTool, please wait... OK
 Reading data from phone... error (4.12.0)


 Operation: Unlock TMB via Server Upload Nov 2020
 Selected model: SM-J337T
 Software version: 43.18
 Checking Login and Password... OK
 Balance: 15 crd.
 You have 15 credit(s) left. This operation takes 5 credits. Continue?  Yes
 Waiting ADB device... OK
 Reading phone info...
 Model: SM-J337T
 Android version: 8.0.0
 PDA version: J337TUVS9ATH1
 CSC version: J337TTMB9ATH1
 Phone version: J337TUVS9ATH1
 Product code: SM-J337TZDATMB
 CSC country code: USA
 CSC sales code: TMB
 Carrier ID: TMB
 Phone SN: RF8M43K4AHV
 IMEI: 352149102249009
 HW version: REV0.7
 RF cal date: 20190426
 Chip name: EXYNOS7570
 Modem board: SHANNON305
 Security patch: 2020-08-01
 Boot Warranty bit: 0
 Rebooting phone... OK
 Waiting ADB device... OK
 Waiting for device to become ready... OK
 Reading IMEI... OK
 Initialization zTool... OK
 Running zTool, please wait... OK
 Reading data from phone... OK
 Searching Ramdump interface... COM46 detected
 Rebooting phone... OK
 Waiting ADB device... OK
 Waiting for device to become ready... OK
 Reading ramdump data from phone... OK
 Searching server... OK
 Waiting for server answer... OK
 Waiting ADB device... OK
 Waiting for device to become ready... OK
 Initialization zTool... OK
 Running zTool, please wait... OK
 Reading data from phone... error (4.12.0)
 Retry 1...
 Initialization zTool... error (0.20)
 Operation aborted


Operation: Flash
 Selected model: SM-J337T
 Software version: 43.18
 File analysis... OK
 Total file size: 0xE48058AE (3656 Mb)
 Searching USB Flash interface... COM46 detected
 Setup connection... OK
 Set PIT file... OK
 Reading PIT from phone... OK
 Sending sboot.bin.lz4... OK
 Sending param.bin.lz4... OK
 Sending cm.bin.lz4... OK
 Sending boot.img.lz4... OK
 Sending recovery.img.lz4... OK
 Sending system.img.lz4... OK
 Sending vendor.img.lz4... OK
 Sending userdata.img.lz4... OK
 Sending modem.bin.lz4... OK
 Sending cache.img.lz4... OK
 Sending odm.img.lz4... OK
 Sending omr.img.lz4... OK
 Flashing done (time - 00:02:29)



la segunda vez que se pidió desbloquear, fue después de haberlo reinstalado según decia la Z3x
Credtis refunded. We made fixes at server side, please repeat now and post result.
Muchas Gracias

ya le comuniqué a la cliente para que regresara con el teléfono y asi poder realizar nuevamente la operación de desbloqueo, en cuanto ella llegue lo realizo y le dejo el resultado

