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plxxx help could not connect to server error 


could not connect to server
in Samsung Tool by (140 points)

1 Answer

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Hello. Visit ping.eu and attach your ip here please.
by (202k points)

Your IP is

This ip not banned. Download windscribe vpn, enable it and check for server error. Post result here.

If it is not banned then why i face this problem 

I hope your possitve respons" this ip i piked from ping.eu


this image is of my pcthis image is my PCs

Download windscribe vpn, enable it and check for server error. Post result here.
Server work with VPN

here is my SN: AADC1377

kindly unban my ip

i hope your possitive reply
Your ip not banned. This issue can be caused by your internet service provider.
When i use vpn then everything is fine but without vpn nothing is work neither download firmware nor card info etc
Yes, because vpn its private network and in this case provider cant block something that he cant see.
But Before it i did not used ever vpn without  vpn everything was fine

 Let me know  Now i will use vpn always?

Or othe solution is possible?
Disable firewall/antivirus, also check windows/system32/drv/hosts file. If this dont helps - thats mean that problem in isp. You can wait until your provider update / restart the server, or you can inform your ISP about it this problem to forse resolve by provider.
I used teamviewer remote service a day ago is that would be the reason or not?
For ban - no. But teamviewer can install own vpn, so you can try uninstall teamviewer and check, but i think its not the reason of problem.