+1 vote
I just bought a z3x box from another owner but when I try to insert username and password the owner gave me (in the settings menu of the Samsung tools software) it says that login or password are wrong...

But login and password can't be wrong, the previous owner sent me a photo of the e-mail he receved from z3x with the access data.

I don't need the credits because I wanted only to use the imei cert patch features. On the official site I can't buy less than 30 credits... but like I sayed I don't need alla those credits...

So I'm searching for someone who wants to sell his z3x box account that has 0 or few credits so that I can use the imei cert patch features.

Please can someone help me?
in Samsung Tool by (140 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Please provide your card info and credits account login
by (102k points)
In private or here? Aren't there any risk by sharing this information in public?
You can write in a private message
I sent you the card info and login/password in private
Yes, I received a message.  I will write to you as soon as the information on your request appears.
Ok ok, thank you
This cannot be login to a credit account
username: r *****
password: *********

Login always starts with zsc_
If it's not a credit account which type of account is it?

Does the z3x box have also an account that isn't related to the credits?

When you buy a z3x box do you receve automatically a credit account associated or you have to create (and buy) one by your self if you need the server features?

If the access data that I gave you isn't the credit account so what is it for?

Sorry for all those questions but I'm a newbie (and sorry for my bad english but I'm italian) :)
  • If it's not a credit account which type of account is it? If the access data that I gave you isn't the credit account so what is it for?


I don't know what for it is, ask the one who sold you the box.


This cannot be login to a credit account

username: r *****

password: *********


Login always starts with zsc_****


  • Does the z3x box have also an account that isn't related to the credits?


You have the serial number of the card (card information) to which is linked all usage information and available activations. Z3X card doesn't have any pass and login.

Download software, install and use. Make sure you are using the latest shell. 


  • When you buy a z3x box do you receive automatically a credit account associated or you have to create (and buy) one by your self if you need the server features?


You need to buy a credit account if you want to use the server features. 

Our team products are “modular” and they can be decomposed into a number of components that may be mixed and matched in a variety of configurations. You can choose, for example, JTAG Box and add Samsung Tool Pro activation or LG activation on it. 


You need to have the Samsung Tool or (and) LG Tool activated in order to buy credits. Depending on which phones you plan to repair.

One credit account is used for both activations.

Combine Z3X tools in support of your needs.


Do not know something is natural, it is important to want to learn. And English is also not my first language)

  • And some information about credits and resellers


Server Credits enable you to unlock the latest Samsung & LG phones by reading the unlock codes from phone safely and quickly - without the need to root (void KNOX flag) and risk of bootloop. Just click Read Codes in the latest Z3x software.

Credits using only to read network codes on new kind of phones. At this time it's about 550 (like s8, s9, s10...) of total 2400 new models.


You can check credit using for any model at this page: https://z3x-team.com/check-your-phone/

You can buy z3x from our authorized resellers (list) worldwide and use it anywhere if you have a computer and a stable internet connection.

Credits is a virtual product, and you can buy it from the same reseller as the box, or any other from an official list.


You can buy a new credit account or refill credits to an existing one you have. Inform your sales manager about it while ordering the item. Otherwise, the system will automatically create a new account for z3x credits.


Starting from version 37, Samsung tool can repair IMEI and make some other operations through the server. So, you require the account with credits on it. The number of credits on the account does not matter for repair IMEI because it's free - credits will not be charged.

Without this, you won't be able to use these new solutions.


Here is the credits reseller list :

Country: China, Hong Kong 
Web https://www.imei.us . ( Instant Avalable Z3x Unlock Credits)
Web https://www.gsmeasyshop.com
E-mail info.gsmeasy@gmail.com
Phone 8613926070786
Skype gsmeasy
WhatsUp 008613926070786
QQ 414671997
Sonork 100.1576815

Country: Hong Kong and WorldWide 
Web https://www.gsmserver.com . (Buy Z3x Unlock Credits Online)
E-mail info.gsmserver.com
Phone: +85239733882
Skype: gsmserver.com, sonnka123456, ventasgsm.es
Sonork: 100.85899, 100.1587356,

SimSim Electronics LLC
location: Dubai, UAE
Phone: +971 4 2727113
ICQ: 129081860
Sonork: 100.37251
E-mail: hamsfazil @ gmail.com
Skype: hams.fazil 

Country: Pakistan, UAE "Dubai"
Contact person Muhammad Salman
Web http://www.gsmfastest.com
E-mail admin@gsmfastest.com
Phone +923007859995
Skype GsmSalman
WhatsUp +923007859995
Viber +923007859995
Sonork 100.1601293


Thanks for your reply. I understand... I'm in contact with the previous owner and when I asked him for login and pass he sayed me that he didn't even remember he had an account because the shell never asket him for. So at this point I think he never had a credit account... Is it possible to check if the z3x box is not been banned or something like that?

Why do you think the box is locked? What error do you get?

Maybe you tried to use new solutions - operations with phones for which you need to authorize on the server & have an account with credits on it (see the previous answer)

Anycase, to understand what is happening you need to post the process logs. 
To find them open z3x tool and go to history tab (last Tab in z3x GUI) there you will find all operation logs, you can see them by Model, by operation or by Date .... and post it here

  • Why do you think the box is locked? What error do you get?

I only want to be sure that, if I have to buy a credit account, I don't do it for nothing. If the card is blocked of corse...

The error it gave me is ,like I sayed previously, wrong login/password when I try to do a server operation like read CERT (because obviously there is no credit account assosciated in the settings menu of the Samsung Tool). By the way my phone is a Galaxy S9+ G965F. 


  • Anycase, to understand what is happening you need to post the process logs. 

Here it is:

  Operation: Repair
 Selected model: SM-G965F
 Software version: 37.0
 Waiting ADB device... OK
 Reading phone info...
 Model: SM-G965F
 Android version: 9
 PDA version: G965FXXU6CSG8
 CSC version: G965FOXM6CSG5
 Phone version: G965FXXU6CSG4
 Product code: SM-G965FZKDITV
 CSC country code: ITALY
 CSC sales code: ITV
 Phone SN: RF8K31J611N
 HW version: MP 0.900
 RF cal date: 20180313
 Chip name: EXYNOS9810
 Modem board: SHANNON360
 Security patch: 2019-07-01
 Boot Warranty bit: 1
 Initialization zTool... OK
 Running zTool, please wait... OK
 Reading data from phone... OK
 Searching server... error
 could not connect to server my fault - no internet


Operation: Read CERT
 Selected model: SM-G965F
 Software version: 37.0
 Waiting ADB device... OK
 Reading phone info...
 Model: SM-G965F
 Android version: 9
 PDA version: G965FXXU6CSG8
 CSC version: G965FOXM6CSG5
 Phone version: G965FXXU6CSG4
 Product code: SM-G965FZKDITV
 CSC country code: ITALY
 CSC sales code: ITV
 Phone SN: RF8K31J611N
 HW version: MP 0.900
 RF cal date: 20180313
 Chip name: EXYNOS9810
 Modem board: SHANNON360
 Security patch: 2019-07-01
 Boot Warranty bit: 1
 Initialization zTool... OK
 Running zTool, please wait... OK
 Reading data from phone... OK
 Searching server... error
 Wrong login/password!


1. Your card is not locked, you can use all the features that require your activation.

2. For the future for working with new solutions phones Repair IMEI / Patch CERT, you need to have a credit account. This solution is free.

If you need read codes via server, unlock tmb, unlock via server, it will already cost a certain number of credits, depending on the model.

3. About your phone SM-G965F. For now this new security is not supported, we working on solution, just solution will be ready - we will release new version of software.

Thanks for your reply. 

  • 3. About your phone SM-G965F. For now this new security is not supported, we working on solution, just solution will be ready - we will release new version of software.

Strange... because if I go on the z3x box site and check my phone it says:


 image  Patch Certificate

image  Read CERT

image  Read EFS

image  Read Unlock Codes using credits

image  Repair IMEI

image  Write CERT

image  Write EFS

image  Write Firmware

image  Write NV DATA

It should be supported... why are you saying it's not? I don't understand...
